Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Believable Dystopia of the Near Future

A review of Red Clocks by Leni Zumas (2018: Little, Brown, and Company)

What is a woman for in a near future without reproductive freedom? What is her purpose? If you read Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale you'll imagine women are for child-bearing and sexual satisfaction and not much else. If you read Elgin's Native Tongue you'll add to that specific intellectual gifts and not much else.

Here, though, we are given a much more likely and much less extreme sort of dystopian (very near) future scenario: Abortion has been outlawed, single women are not allowed to use in vitro fertilization or adopt children. Every child needs two parents. These are not hideously shocking developments, just steps down a path that many people have wanted, probably. So this is speculative fiction of the most believable sort.

In this alternate scenario, the author visits five women seeking their purpose in their intersecting lives. A single school teacher yearning for a child. An unhappily married stay at home mother who desires time alone. An odd and mystical homeopathic woman trying to help others and wrestling with her own past. A female arctic explorer who desired exploration and research. A bright adopted pregnant teenager with few options. Each brings her own perspective,  experience, and worries to the search for purpose in this slightly off-kilter world.

The alternate view points are woven together nicely. The secondary characters bring more nuance and depth to each woman's choices or lack there of.  The story is well written and thought provoking. Given recent political events, this book is very timely for its early 2018 publication.

Who will not like this book? Those who are not interested in women have choices, in reproductive freedom, or even women's freedom to choose the course of their lives.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cool Sci-Fi Novella

What I'm Reading Lately

I've been on a sci-fi reading binge, partly motivated by the ABC Reading Challenge on Habitica. That challenge isn't about science fiction at all but about reading books by authors with last names starting with all the letters of the alphabet. You'd be surprised how hard some letters are! But we'll talk about that another time. Because my passion is reading more books by women, I've mostly focused on female authors, and because I love science fiction, I'm mostly reading sci-fi, because I can.

I'm about 17 books into my 2017 reading and many of them have been part of the ABC Challenge [abc-read-2017 if you are looking for it on Habitica]. One of the cool things about doing these sorts of challenges it they nudge you out of your usual reading habits. I tend to read new-to-me authors when doing something like this, which means I seriously expand my repertoire of authors whose works I enjoy. What's not to like?

So far this year I've read books by female science fiction authors with last names starting with A, B, C, D, E, F, H, M, and ,W and perhaps another one or two I've forgotten for the moment. Occasionally, I can't help myself and get on a roll and read more than one by the same author - I'm looking at you Octavia E. Butler, indeed I am. Wow.

Sometimes I'm reading something recently published or about to be published (Amy DuBoff's sixth in the Cadicle series!) and sometimes it's something published in the past that I probably should have read long ago (Everything by Octavia Butler, of course) and sometimes I'm rereading something I love (Fluency by Jennifer Foehner Wells) because a sequel has come out (Remanence) and I want to work my way up to it.

Omega Rising by Jessica Meats

I just finished reading Omega Rising [Codename Omega #1] by Jessica Meats. She is a new author for me, although she's published several books. I was given this one to read via Net Galley.

This is an entertaining novella (just under 100 pages) with a likable and relatable protagonist who finds herself in very unusual circumstances filled with uncertainty and doubt. It's set in York, Great Britain. It's got some funky science-y things going on, and some awkward but so very normal interpersonal things going on, and it's unclear who the good guys are. The uncertainty is good, really.

I believe it's a good sign that I wanted it to continue when it ended. I'd like to know more about the main characters and what is really going on, which hopefully is or will be found in a sequel.

Since this was identified as #1 in a series, I sure hope there are more!

What's ahead?

More reading! More science fiction! More books by women! And some books that are neither by women nor science fiction, because who wants to be predictable?